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Schedule Change Requests

Schedule Change Sign

Schedule Change Requests

Students will have a total of 6 classes, 4 core classes and 2 elective classes.  In some instance's students will receive additional support in reading, writing and/or math in order provide them a strong foundation as they prepare for high school. These support classes will take place of an elective. Due to many factors students do not always get their choice of elective.

6th Grade - Art, Band, Choir, Computers, Family & Consumer Exploration, and Orchestra (must have prior experience).

7th Grade - Art, Band (must have prior experience), Choir, Family & Consumer Studies, Orchestra (must have prior experience), PE, and 

8th Grade -  Art, Band (must have prior experience), Career Explorations, Choir, Family & Consumer Studies, Orchestra (must have prior experience), PE, and Spanish.  Student Aide - You can be a classroom, guidance, library, or office aide.  If you are interested please talk to the teacher and complete the aide application that is available outside of the registrar window for space availability.

Appropriate Requests:
Missing a class
A class has already been taken
Inappropriate placement in class
Incorrect grade level

Inappropriate Requests:
Student wants to be with friends
Student wants to be in a different lunch period
Student has changed mind about elective choice
Student doesn’t like teacher

Schedule Change Request deadline is December 13th by 5:00 PM

Schedule Change Request Form